

Kalamazoo Promise celebrates 10th anniversary


KALAMAZOO, Mich.– The Kalamazoo Promise is celebrating its tenth anniversary this fall and parents, students and staff came out in full force to mark the milestone.

The Promise is a program funded by anonymous donors and completely pays for tuition for high school graduates in Kalamazoo who go to colleges and universities in the state of Michigan.

A birthday event was held at Kalamazoo Central High School before the football game against Loy Norrix.

In attendance were students getting the Promise as well as the welcome of new students who applied for free state tuition.

“It has been a real challenge to make sure we can do everything we possibly can to make sure the kids are Promise ready. It’s a very responsible job we have,” said Patti Sholler, President for the Board of Education.

So far in its existence the program has given out $67 million in scholarships throughout the last decade.

Here is everything you need to know if you’re interested in applying for the Kalamazoo Promise.