KALAMAZOO COUNTY, Mich.- Two people are injured, including a Kalamazoo County Sheriff's deputy, after an early morning accident involving a downed tree.
It happened around 4:20 am Monday on North Riverview Drive, just south of M-89. One vehicle was stalled in the road after hitting the downed tree and the deputy was standing nearby helping the other people on the scene clear the branches from the road, when a vehicle coming in the other direction struck the tree.
The force of the second collision forced the tree to hit the deputy in the leg and knock the other man underneath the stalled car.
Kalamazoo County Sheriff Richard Fuller said both men suffered minor injuries and were treated and released from the hospital Monday morning.
"The deputy has sustained injuries that will cause him to be on light duty for a while, but other than that everyone is okay," Fuller added. He also said both collisions with the tree on the road were caused by the foggy conditions and no one has been ticketed yet, pending an investigation.