

Annual ‘Kids Count’ report ranks counties on well-being, other indicators


LANSING, Mich. — The annual Kids Count report was released early Thursday morning, giving localized data on how Michigan is performing with regards to the health and well-being of our children.

“The most dramatic changes in the lives of children in Michigan were the increased likelihood of living in economic insecurity, and, not surprising, of experiencing an investigation of abuse or neglect,” the report says.  “Neglect, which is closely linked to poverty, is involved in over 80% of confirmed cases of child maltreatment and can be as damaging as abuse to child well-being and later adult health.”

When it comes to the county rankings for overall well-being, Ottawa County tied with Livingston County for 1st.  Lake County ranked last at 82nd.

Below are some links to Kids Count information and statistics.

Kids Count 2015 Report