

City of Grand Rapids offering free Christmas tree recycling


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Are you ready to pitch that pine to bring in the new year? The City of Grand Rapids Public Services is offering FREE Christmas tree recycling!

You can bring your Christmas trees to any of the locations listed below between Wednesday, December 31, until January 26, 2015.

Be sure to take off all ornaments, tinsel, nails, tree stands, and other decorations before dropping them off.

Here are available drop off areas:

  • Riverside Park (North entrance located at 3151 Monroe Avenue NE)
  • Jaycee Family Park at 2531 Kalamazoo Avenue SE
  • Lincoln Park at Bridge Street and Garfield Avenue NW
  • Huff Park at Ball Avenue and Aberdeen Street NE

If you are unable to make it to any of these locations, you can always do the alternative method: attach a $2.50 city bulk yard waste tag (the purple tag) to the tree and place it in  your pickup area by 7 a.m. on the regular trash collection day. Make sure the trees are properly tagged, otherwise you may face a violation or even a fine.

If you have any questions, you can call the Grand Rapids Public Services Department at 456-3232.