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Make Moving Easier on Your Kids


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (July 3, 2014) — You may be excited to start a new life in a new location, or upgrade to a bigger house, but that doesn’t mean moving will be fun – or easy. Rob Felcher from Two Men and a Truck stopped by FOX 17 with some tips on making the move easier on the little ones. Sometimes it can be as simple as playing a game to distract them from what can be an incredibly stressful situation.

Here are some ideas:
“I Spy”
This verbal identification game is an effective method for taking stock of possessions. It is also an opportunity to hone communicative descriptions, and it allows kids to keep tabs on the evolving situation. Furthermore, it can be used to keep track of what has been packed and what hasn’t, which is particularly useful for the next activity.
Scavenger hunt
Distracted children can become diligent assistants in no time. Kids will benefit when their parents orchestrate a treasure hunt, and everything they collect strikes an item off the packing list. If played directly after I Spy, the child will have a memory of each item’s location. Just remember to hide all hazardous objects before letting them roam around.
Hide and Seek
Turn excess clutter into a game. The entertainment aspect of hide and seek can provide much-needed quiet time to assess each stage of moving. Make sure only safe compartments are accessible, and then let the kids show off their ability to remain invisible. Remember to keep the game fun and exciting by not having them hide for long periods of time.
Non-perishable items can be quickly rounded up with a make-shift game of basketball. For example, a laundry basket can collect any clothing that might be lingering. In the same fashion, stuffed animals can also be swiftly thrown into a suitcase. This game can rapidly clear out a home, and it is a perfect way to prepare boxes to be put in an extra storage space unit.
2 Minute Race
Avoid a traumatic upheaval by packing a separate overnight bag with all of the kid’s sentimentally essential belongings. A child knows best what he or she needs, so devise a fast-paced game to encourage a quick collection of the child’s favorite toys. Observing the selections can provide invaluable insight into the interests of your kids, and the task can efficiently maintain basic comforts while adjusting to the new home.