

WMU Autism Research to Benefit from State Investment


KALAMAZOO, Mich. (June 20, 2014) – Western Michigan University is getting a multi-million dollar investment aimed at the work the school does in the field of autism.

“We’ve been able to secure $4 million in state funding directed towards Western Michigan University so we can increase the capacity of training professionals,” said State Rep. Margaret O’Brien. “Hopefully, throughout this state, we will no longer have families waiting 2 years to try to get services.”

The money will be used to increase the capacity of care.

That means hiring more faculty, teaching and training more students and sending more graduates into the workforce.

The school expects to maintain and expand its community collaborations, work with special education teachers and offer online training.

Western is also planning to expand support for current students who are diagnosed under the autism spectrum.

The long-term goal is to help as many young people diagnosed with autism become independent as they reach adulthood.