WEST MICHIGAN (June 2, 2014) — June 1 through June 7 marks the week-long observation of Beach Hazards Awareness Week. The purpose of it is to make everyone aware of the possible beach hazards on the lake for swimmers and beach goers, as well as to share safety tips.
The attached photo shows some of the beach hazards that swimmers can face on a typical day at the beach. It’s actually a high-resolution close up image of the Grand Haven area illustrating rip currents, longshore currents, structural currents, breaking waves, and wave return. All of these things can be potential deadly.
The stronger the winds, the higher the waves, and the more likelihood of a moderate to high beach hazard risk for swimmers along Lake Michigan. People seem to die each year by not heeding the warnings and flags flying at parks up and down the lakeshore. Boaters too can get in to trouble if they choose to enter the lake with small craft advisories or gale warnings in effect.
The National Weather Service has put together a fairly extensive presentation for Beach Hazards Awareness Week. Click here to access it.
You can always get the West Michigan forecast by going to www.fox17online.com/weather. You can also check the Lake Michigan water conditions with the live webcam at www.surfgrandhaven.com.