

June Marks The Start Of Hurricane Season


WEST MICHIGAN (June 1, 2014) — While we may have to deal with severe storms and possible tornadoes from time to time, hurricanes are something we’re saved from thanks to geographic location. These tropical systems require large quantities of warm ocean water is order to strengthen and survive and we’re hundreds and hundreds of miles from that source.

That said, Michigan has certainly felt the secondary effects of these systems as their remnants can travel well in to the northern latitudes. In those ways, Superstorm Sandy was an excellent example almost two years ago when it went up the East Coast and still generated 18 to 20 waves on the southern end of Lake Michigan more than 500 – 800 miles to our east.

Hurricane season runs through the last day of November. We should also note that June first marks the start of the Atlantic hurricane season, not all ocean bearing tropical systems. Long term averages for the number of named storms are 12…including six hurricanes and three major hurricanes (category three or higher).

The forecast for 2014 from NOAA, the Climate Prediction Center (CPC), and the National Hurricane Center (NHC) is for a 70 percent probability for each of the following ranges of activity: Eight to 13 named storms, three to six hurricanes, and one to two major hurricanes (cat 3 or higher).

Hurricane photo courtesy of NASA. Get more information from the NHC here, or get our local West Michigan forecast at

Here’s the list of names for the 2014 Atlantic hurricane season:

Name           Pronunciation    Name            Pronunciation
Arthur         AR-thur          Laura           LOOR-ruh
Bertha         BUR-thuh         Marco           MAR-koe
Cristobal      krees-TOH-bahl   Nana            NA-na
Dolly          DAH-lee          Omar            OH-mar
Edouard        eh-DWARD         Paulette        pawl-LET
Fay            fay              Rene            re-NAY
Gonzalo        gohn-SAH-loh     Sally           SAL-ee
Hanna          HAN-uh           Teddy           TEHD-ee
Isaias         ees-ah-EE-ahs    Vicky           VIH-kee
Josephine      JOH-seh-feen     Wilfred         WILL-fred
Kyle           KY-ull