

Governor Extends Statewide Energy Emergency Due To Prolonged Propane Shortage

and last updated

propane shortageLANSING, Mich. — According to a news release Gov. Rick Snyder issued Executive Order 2014-3, lengthening Michigan’s energy emergency as a result of continued heating oil and propane shortages across the Midwest.

Record low temperatures, heavy snowfall and poor driving conditions, combined with pipeline issues and other factors have all contributed to Michigan’s propane shortage. The state is working to alleviate supply problems while continually monitoring the situation, and Snyder this week directed state agencies to reach out to consumers affected by the shortage.

“The propane shortage affecting the Midwest continues to impact residents in our state, particularly in the Upper Peninsula and northern Michigan,” Snyder said. “This executive order extending the hours-of-service exemption for individuals transporting the fuel will better allow them to connect with customers.”

This executive order amends Executive Order 2014-1, declaring the initial state of emergency in January. Originally set to expire at midnight tonight, the energy emergency will now extend through Tuesday, Feb. 11.

Motor carriers and drivers carrying propane on Michigan highways will continue to be exempt from state and federal hours-of-service regulations in order to guarantee the most efficient delivery of resources. As a result of the extended waiver, drivers may continue to exceed the number of consecutive days and total hours in which they can operate a commercial motor vehicle.

Transport vehicles and employees currently subject to an out-of-service order, in which operations are prohibited, are not eligible for the exemption and suspension until the out-of-service order expires or the conditions for rescission have been satisfied. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Michigan State Police require that drivers for motor carriers operating under the Declaration of Energy Emergency must have a copy of the declaration in their possession. It is available at

Residents in need of heating assistance are asked to call 211 or visit for help. Customers who are concerned about possible price gouging should contact the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division at 1-877-765-8388 or file an online complaint at The Michigan State Police Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division also offers information about being prepared before, during and after an emergency or disaster, at

EO 2014-3 is effective immediately and remains in effect until it is rescinded or until 11:59 p.m. Feb. 11, 2014, whichever first occurs.

The full text of EO 2014-3 is available for download here.