WYOMING,Mich. — According to a news release The Wyoming Department of Public Safety is asking residents to stay off of roadways by limiting their travel to immediate need situations only.
Due to the heavy snow, the drivable area of streets and roads is already diminished. This causes difficulty not only for plow trucks but for emergency vehicles as well. First responders, police officers, fire fighters, and plow truck operators have requested if at all possible that cars not be parked on the street. If cars must be parked on the street, it is imperative residents comply with the odd-even parking ordinance which will be strictly enforced.
Odd-even parking rules are:
Park on the side of the street in which addresses that are odd or even align with the date being odd or even.
After midnight, your vehicle must be parked on the correct side of the street for that date.
Parked cars will not be ticketed from 7 p.m. to midnight. At any other time, cars must be parked on the correct side of the street according to that day’s date.
Odd-even parking rules apply to all streets in Wyoming that are not already designated “no parking.”
Drivers should be aware of their surroundings at all times when driving. Motorists who have to travel are reminded to maintain a safe distance behind plow trucks and other vehicles on the roadway.
If you see a fire hydrant that is inaccessible, please report it to Wyoming Fire Services at 530-7250. If residents are able, Wyoming Fire Services has requested assistance in clearing fire hydrants.
Children should at no time play on, build forts or make tunnels in snow piles created by plows. Any tunnel or hole in a snow pile may be quickly filled in by snow shifting, being compacted or added.