

Mel Trotter Estimated to Serve More Than 2,000 for Thanksgiving

and last updated

Mel Trotter 11-28GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – It’s estimated that more than 2,000 people in the West Michigan community will be coming together for a Thanksgiving meal today.

Mel Trotter Ministries 17th annual Great Thanksgiving Banquet are featuring a family-style meal. Volunteers began serving guests at 11 a.m. at the DeVos Place in Grand Rapids.

By the end of today, Mel Trotter says that over 700 volunteers will have helped with the event – from passing out flyers, setting up, preparing food and serving as greeters and table hosts and cleaning up.

The 17th annual event is free to all who come. Doors opened at 10:30 this morning and the Thanksgiving banquet runs until 1 p.m.