

World War II Vet Killed: Kalamazoo Police Still Looking For Answers


KALMAZOO, Mich., — A World War II veteran was murdered more than a month ago in Kalamazoo and there is still no in custody.  Now, investigators with the Kalamazoo Public Safety Department are asking for the public’s help to find answers.

87-year-old Alfred Minka was found dead in his home on August 23 after a neighbor went to check on him.  Investigators say someone out there knows something and before this case turns cold, they are asking anyone with information to please come forward.

Those who knew Minka say he was a hard worker.  He was employed with Eaton Corporation for more than thirty years. He was a Latvian immigrant who came to the US about sixty years ago, fighting for Latvia in World War II.

Captain Victor Ledbetter says he believes the person or persons that did this knew Minka. Ledbetter says they have followed up on every lead they have.

“In situations like this the families live with this everyday, but people that are not associated with him in that way they go on with their lives and it’s in the back of their minds.”

Police aren’t saying how Minka died. They say only the person or persons responsible would know and they don’t want to hinder the investigation.

If you have any information you can stay anonymous and call Silent Observer 269-343-2100 or Kalamazoo Public Safety at 269-337-8894.