

Home Ransacked While Owner Left For Doctor Appointment


BATTLE CREEK, Mich. – A mother from Battle Creek said thieves ransacked her home in a matter of an hour, now she and her two kids are wondering if they were targeted.

It happened in the 400 block of Cooper Avenue in Pennfield Township.

At 9:15 Friday morning, Tammy Bovender left her home in Pennfield Township for a doctor appointment.

“When I came back at 10:30 this morning, my house had been broken into,” she said.

A quick look around the house reveals the way the thieves likely broke in, “They removed the air conditioner our of my bedroom window.”

Even before the home invasion, this mother had a lot of stress in her life.

“My daughter Grace, she’s 11 and has acute lymphocytic leukemia and chronic kidney disease,” said Bovender.  We had three laptops that were taken, one of those were hers.”

Now she has to explain to Grace why their stuff is gone.

“She’s pretty shook up about it, she was very concerned about her animals because she is a huge animal lover,” Bovender said about her daughter.

The dog and two cats were alright, but the list of stolen items continues to grow.

“I’m missing two TV’s, a PS3, Xbox 360, a Wii, my son’s sword collection,” she said.  “So those are missing and there was a dagger that he got for Christmas last year.”

The stuff that was stolen can be replaced over time, what Bovender hopes to regain quickly is her sense of security.

“It’s terrifying,” she said.  “It feels like a huge invasion of privacy looking through and knowing that someone was going through your drawers and taking all of your clothes through your drawers and throwing them everywhere.”

She’s hopeful by sharing her story it will lead to an arrest and warn others in the area to be on the lookout for potential thieves.