

Time To Fertilize With Rain On The Way


WEST MICHIGAN – Hopefully most of us have already put down that first fertilizer defense against crabgrass. If not, weed and feed may be a good idea if you haven’t done it yet…although most weed and feed doesn’t kill or prevent crabgrass.

While we had eight to ten inches of rain across much of the area and rivers swelled to historic levels just a few weeks back, we’ve been fairly dry since. That said, our forecast models are showing a fairly unsettled, wet period coming up next week. It appears as if a low pressure area will slowly drift through the region and affect our weather Monday through Thursday.

Showers and thunderstorms are possible during the P.M. hours and night-time hours Monday. As the front gets hung up over the area and meanders, several rounds of showers and thunderstorms are likely on Tuesday, with more scattered showers and storms on Wednesday. Lingering clouds and a few showers are possible on Thursday before high pressure builds in just in time for the upcoming holiday Memorial Day weekend.

I’ve heard experts say to fertilize at a time when the granules can remain on the grass for at least a day or two before rain moves in to dissolve it in to the grass. What people should avoid is fertilizing and then not seeing rain for weeks afterwards. That can tend to burn the grass out. With rain on the way, this weekend may be the perfect time to drop down the nutrients.

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