

What’s New With Lowell Flooding?

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LOWELL, Mich. — What’s new with Lowell when it comes to flooding?

The following information was sent out by the city of Lowell on Thursday…

“The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Warning for the Grand River at Lowell. The Grand River is currently at flood stages (15.1 feet) and is predicted to rise to 21 feet by Sunday afternoon. The Flat River at Smyrna is predicted to rise 3 feet between now and Sunday afternoon.

The National Weather Service advises to expect major flooding of businesses and residences in the Lowell area and high water affecting the business district.

Emergency management professionals for the City of Lowell have determined that flooding will impact areas within the 100-year flood plain and potentially some areas within the 500-year flood plain. The following areas are of particular concern:

The southeast quadrant.

Areas on the east end of Bowes Road.

Areas around the Lee and Cherry Creek flood plains.

Much of downtown along Main Street.

The area surrounded by Main Street, Jefferson Street, King Street and the Flat River.

The area around Schneider Manor.

Areas between Bowes Road and Main Street from the Flat River to Center Street.

Anyone who lives in these areas should take immediate steps to protect their property and belongings.

The City of Lowell Natural Features map will be posted on the city website and shows the 100-year and 500-year flood plain areas.

Emergency management professionals have developed a response plan based on these projections.

Sand bags and sand will be available to residents within the projected flood plain areas beginning on Friday at 8 a.m. at the Department of Public Works building (217 South Hudson).

Additional police patrols have been scheduled.

Fire, Emergency Response and Public Works staff are working daily and will be on stand-by during the evenings and weekend.

The City of Lowell is coordinating with various other community agencies.

The Red Cross has been contacted and an emergency shelter will be designated for those who must evacuate their homes. More information, including who to contact, will be published on Friday.

For additional information, or for anyone who wants to volunteer, please contact City Hall at 616-897-8457 during business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) on Friday.

Updates will continue to be posted on the city website at Click on the Flood Information link under Latest News.”