

Accused Stalker Charged; 911 Call Released

and last updated

KALAMAZOO Co., Mich. — According to law enforcement records, Noah Buist, 34, didn’t have a criminal background until today.

He’s charged with first degree home invasion and possession of burglary tools. Both counts combined could get him up to 30 years in prison.

Buist didn’t show any emotion during his video arraignment in Kalamazoo County District Court.

The Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Department said Buist stuck a GPS tracking device on a co-worker’s vehicle.

After the woman and her boyfriend came home from a Griffins hockey game, she said she noticed a dog bone in the dog’s cage that wasn’t there before.

The woman’s boyfriend, who’s an off-duty officer searched the house and found Buist hiding in the basement behind a curtain.

The man had a knife.

In the 911 call to dispatch, you can hear the off-duty officer acting calmly. He said he had the man at gunpoint.

In the background, you can hear just how frantic things are for the victim.

Victim: “Noah, you’re gonna lose your job! Why did you do this!?”

Noah: Inaudible.

Dispatch: “Where about are you guys at right now? Inside or outside the home.”

Lady: “Inside my house! What is that ******* thing?”

Boyfriend/Officer: “It’s a knife.”

Victim: “He has a ******** knife… he has weapons.”

Investigators say it appears to be an isolated incident. Buist’s next court appearance is April 24th.