GRAND RAPIDS, MI- Your true love- exposed online. Twitter pages for schools continue to grab attention in West Michigan. Student are posting their secret ‘crushes’ on twitter anonymously. At Grand Valley State University, it started off small, leading to thousands of followers in just days.
But as we’ve learned, some of those posts are less than attractive and have become sexual and vulgar. Now, there are other pages popping up, some at the high school level.
Fox 17 was even able to find where some of the minors named on the page live. That’s scary for those student’s parents. We spoke with an attorney to find out what you need to know. Reality is, it’s hard to find out who posted the comments, and even harder to prosecute them once you do.
If you do find inappropriate comments about you or your child it’s suggested you contact the site administrator immediately to get them removed. You can periodically search your name or your child’s name in search engines to see the latest posts.