

Gov. Snyder Signs Right-To-Work

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LANSING, Mich. – Gov. Rick Snyder has signed right-to-work into law Tuesday, Michigan now the 24th state to adopt similar legislation.

The Michigan House of Representatives voted 58-52 earlier Tuesday to approve the second of two right-to-work bills. They made their way to Gov. Snyder.

Protests continue outside the Capitol building Tuesday. Michigan State Police (MSP) is on standby as incidents continue to escalate. MSP report about five protesters were arrested earlier Tuesday.

Gov. Rick Snyder held a press conference Tuesday at 5:45 p.m. to discuss the legislation, “I think it was a good thing to sign this legislation and moving forward I’m very excited to see the outcome from that,” Snyder said.

He answered questions presented by media outlets at the Tuesday meeting.

“This is  a major day in Michigan’s history and I don’t view this as anti-union, I believe this is pro-worker.”

Gov. Snyder says he signed the bill so the protesters of right-to-work can go home. He said the bill didn’t pop out of the blue, but Proposition 2 moved forward and got onto the ballot.

The bill will go into effect about 90 days after the current legislative session ends at the end of December. Union contracts will need to be re-built when contracts expire, workers will now have the choice to continue with the union.

Gov. Snyder believes the legislation will make unions more accountable and responsive.