After a very chilly weekend and week ahead, a trend towards a warm-up is once again in our sights.
Normal temperatures for the end of October are in the middle 50s, so we will likely be heading back towards normal with a few days nearing 60 degrees. This will also come with more sunshine as high pressure will be around and will eventually fuel the warming temps.
The 8-14 day temperature outlook from NOAA puts West Michigan in a 33% chance for above normal temperatures November 1-7. While it's not a great chance now, it could increase in the coming days. Weather models have us trending towards those nicer fall temps by as early as Halloween. Our Halloween forecast has us in the middle 50s during the day with us in the middle and upper 40s for the socially distant trick-or-treating.
Halloween will also feature a Blue Full Moon, which is the second full moon of the month! That's where the phrase "once in a blue moon" comes from, as these only happen every few years. The full moon will give an extra spooky feel to Halloween, on a year that is already spooky as it is.