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International Women's Day March celebrates local leaders this Friday!

SowHope International Women's Day
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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — March 8 is International Women’s Day—a day to celebrate women worldwide who mold future generations through everyday acts and by reaching deep into our communities.

The centerpiece of each year is a march through the streets— waving flags from all countries and heritages alike, playing music, singing songs— punctuated by events aimed at growing camaraderie within the community.

Starting at noon, Friday at Calder Plaza in Grand Rapids, SowHope is honoring Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss and Fridah Kanini, SowHope Board member and Founder & CEO of A Glimpse of Africa with a brief presentation, followed by the march.

SowHope International Women's Day

“This is a day to commemorate the social, economic, political, and cultural achievements of women,” SowHope CEO and Founder Mary Dailey Brown told FOX 17. “All over the world there are big celebrations for IWD; let's join in Grand Rapids!”

The 1-mile trek starts and ends at the plaza and passes Rosa Parks Circle before looping back for hot cocoa and live music by local artists, Grace Theisen and Carolyn Koebel.

SowHope International Women's Day

SowHope hosts events throughout the year helping women around the world. If you’d like to get involved, check out their website.