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Deadline approaching for all-accessible wheelchair van giveaway!

Wheelchair Accessible Van Giveaway

WEST MICHIGAN — Lori’s voice is giving away one heck of a ride—a brand-new all-accessible wheelchair van!

It’s the first giveaway this year, following up 3 brand new vans and several gently-loved vans given away in 2022.

The deadline is fast approaching!

Lori’s Voice tells FOX 17 the cost of these vans will run anywhere between $70- to $85K, meaning the freedom that comes with something like this is far out of reach for the families of so many children with mobility issues.

Children in need of this gift must be younger than 21, a legal resident of Michigan, and have a neurological or degenerative disease causing mobility issues.

A computer selection process will give Board members at Lori’s Voice the profiles of 8 families. The board will then privately ask those applicants to provide further details on their situation and the impact this gift will have on them.

The van will be given away just before Christmas to their final selection!

Eligible applicants can enter here by November 10 to be considered.

Lori’s voice gifting events are limited to 1 application per child.