KALAMAZOO, Mich. — Kzoo Parks announced today the launch of their Adopt-a-park program which invites community volunteers to care for city parks via planting flowers, gardening, cleaning, and edging sidewalks.
“Kalamazoo’s parks and green spaces really are a treasure in our community,” explained Sean Fletcher, Parks & Recreation Director for the City of Kalamazoo. “There are a lot of people in our community that enjoy gardening and working outside, and we hope they will lend their time and talents to help keep our parks beautiful for everyone to enjoy.”
Volunteers will be provided with free t-shirts, trash bags for clean-up work, and reimbursement of up to $100 for flowers and plants Kzoo Parks reports.
According to Kzoo Parks, those interested in adopting a park can learn more by visiting www.kzooparks.org/adopt or calling (269) 337-8000.