KALAMAZOO, Mich. — The city of Kalamazoo says the first phase of renovations on the Kalamazoo Farmers Market will be finished soon.
To celebrate, the city held a ribbon cutting ceremony Saturday morning.
Saturday’s ceremony was scheduled to include remarks from Mayor David Anderson, Deputy City Manager Jeff Chamberlain, Foundation for Excellence Manager Steve Brown and Director of People’s Food Co-op Chris Dilly.
TheKalamazoo Farmers Market is at 1204 Bank Street.

As part of the first phase of renovations, the Kalamazoo Farmers Market added new vendor space, a new office building with more restrooms and more parking, while connecting the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail to the market along Bank Street.
To smooth the path for these improvements, crews rebuilt and realigned Bank Street where it intersects with Lake Street.
For more information about the Bank Street renovations, click here.
The city’s Capital Improvement Project, the Foundation for Excellence, the Irving S. Gilmore Foundation, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Consumers Energy joined together to fund this project.
Kalamazoo leaders say the second phase of improvements is underway. It will add a playground and a new events space to the market.