BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — The City of Battle Creek is announcing a snow emergency, which goes into effect on 10 pm Thursday night.
The snow emergency will most likely extend through the weekend.
If weather conditions change, requiring services to change as well, the city says it will provide updates.
In the meantime, the city encourages everyone in Battle Creek to move vehicles off the street.
Street-parking is prohibited during a snow emergency, according to a spokesperson for the city, in order to make the work of road crews smoother.
Residents who park on the street will have to move their cars to driveways or other places by 10 pm on Thursday.
The city says that those who do not have an alternative parking spot should place their contact information inside their dashboard, where police can easily see it.

For other information relating to Battle Creek's declaration of a snow emergency, see below:
- Full Blast Recreation Center will be closed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Dec. 23-25.
- Battle Creek Transit will continue current hours and service on bus routes, Tele-Transit, and BCGo. We will share updates if that changes.
You can sign up for Transit-specific alerts here, in the Alert Center category. For help planning your trip, call Transit at 269-966-3474.
- Republic Services will work through their regular pickups the best they can. We will share updates if the weather requires them to change or delay service.
- The Calhoun County TEMP plan is in effect and, provides guidelines for extreme cold weather shelter to the unhoused, and others who need it. The plan defines extreme cold as a -18-degree wind chill, and frostbite within less than 30 minutes.
- SHARE Center, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. They provide food, water, and blankets when available.
- First Congregational Church serves women, families, and the LGBTQ+ community
- Haven of Rest serves men and women/families
- Battle Creek Homeless Shelter serves men and women
- SAFE Place
- You can follow city news and information in a variety of ways:
- To receive garbage/recycling-specific alerts, visit here and sign up for email and/or text alerts under the Alert Center category.
- Call Republic with specific questions at 269-216-8008
- Our website, You can sign up for a variety of email and/or text notifications.
- Opt-in by text for city news and alerts. Text BCNEWS in one text, and BCALERTS in another to 844-673-7474. Phone plan fees may apply.