
Weekend Float Down could become COVID-19 superspreader

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Look at the pictures from past events. The Port Huron Float Down on Sunday afternoon could become a COVID-19 superspreader.

Officials say St. Clair County is doing well with infections. But thousands could come to this event, including from Macomb Count, the next county south, which has the highest infection rate in metro Detroit.

The pictures were provided to 7 Action News from Kimberly Wickings. She says, “it can get rowdy. I’ve had my fair shares of craziness.”

The Float Down has been around only about 30 years on the St. Clair River. It runs about 7 miles down to Marysville. It is not a sanctioned event. Anyone can show up.

Dr. Annette Mercatante is the Medical Health Officer in the St. Clair County Health Department. She’s concerned about no masks, no social distancing, and a COVID-19 outbreak.

She also says there’s an additional problem. People including young adults are not cooperating with social distancing.

“People not only don’t want to talk to us at all. But if we do talk with them, they certainly don’t want to tell us who they’ve been with,” Dr. Mercatante said.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has issued a warning to people who might drift over to that side of the river that they could be arrested, do 6 months in jail and be fined $750,000.

They don’t want Americans coming over and bringing COVID-19 with them. Travel restrictions between the two countries in effect for weeks were just extended.

The event this year may also be affected by the weather. Rain is in the forecast for Sunday.

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