When those in need look for help, there are some great non-profit organizations in the West Michigan Area who are ready to assist. But when those organizations are in need of assistance, they turn to the Greater Ottawa County United Way.
The Greater Ottawa County of United Way is a huge helping hand to many of those organizations, but they can only do it with help from the talented volunteers in the community of all ages.
Programs like Students Live United, provide high schoolers with support, mentoring, coaching, and other tools they need to find ways to volunteer in the community. They will then log their experiences, participate in job partnering opportunities, and put all of those experiences in a completed portfolio and essay during their senior year as they apply for colleges.
Students that successfully complete the following requirements will be awarded with the United Way Student Service Learning Award:
• Perform at least 100 hours of civic engagement by graduation
• Submit a one page essay at the completion of the SLU program
• Submit logged hours sheet at the completion of the SLU program
Students that successfully complete the following requirements will be awarded with the Michigan Governor’s Service Learning Award and the Volunteer Centers of Michigan Student Service Medallion in addition to the United Way Student Service Learning Award:
• Perform at least 400 hours of civic engagement by graduation
• Submit one page essay at completion of the SLU program
• Submit logged hour sheet at the completion of the SLU program
Don't forget, while there's a specific program to find volunteer opportunities for students, there are plenty of volunteer positions for adults too!
To learn more about volunteering opportunities, or to make a donation, visit ottawaunitedway.org.