Morning Mix


Spectrum Health is committed to sustainability and lowering its carbon footprint

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Many individuals take their responsibility towards taking care of Mother Earth very seriously, but what about big organizations? Spectrum Health has committed to sustainability and lowering its carbon footprint for decades.

Spectrum Health has had a culture of sustainability led by passionate staff since the 1990s when the first green team was established. Throughout their campuses, they're reducing their carbon footprint through more energy-efficient designs and adding green spaces.

Blodgett Hospital has received Tree Campus Healthcare Recognition two years in a row. Plus, over 50 percent of Spectrum Health's owned facilities were converted to LED lighting and they've recycled 1,624 tons of waste in 2020 at their hospital facilities.

Spectrum also purchases from local, sustainable, and diverse-owned businesses in their cafeterias. One local bakery was able to remain viable due to our consistent support throughout the pandemic.

Spectrum Health focuses on being envorinmently friendly because they're an anchor institution and community pillar, wanting to reflect their values and actions onto the people they serve.

Here are some ways the community can sustain the local community:

  • Shop Local
    • Support local businesses and keep your dollars local while buying from your friends and neighbors.
    • Buy produce in season from local farms.
  • Reduce your waste
    • Bring a reusable bag with you to the store.
    • Use a reusable water bottle.
    • Research your waste options in your community and recycle.
  • Skip the car and get active!
    • Walk, bike, or ride the bus for short trips.
  • Get a free energy audit
    • Your heat and electrical provider offer free energy audits, lighting, and other items.

To learn more, visit