Morning Mix


Mercy Health gives update on COVID-19 cases

and last updated

COVID-19 cases have been on the rise once again in many medical facilities like Mercy Health, and they are doing anything and everything they can to help stop the virus.

President of Mercy Health Muskegon Gary Allore joined the Fox 17 Morning Mix to give an update on the COVID cases in Michigan.

Muskegon County is currently experiencing one of the largest spikes in COVID cases in all of Michigan. Just in the past three weeks, Michigan has experienced more than a fourth of all its COVID-19 cases.

Last spring, around 30 people hospitalized with COVID-19 at Mercy Health Muskegon. Right now, they continue to treat anywhere between 140-160 people.

Because of this high number of patients, Mercy Health opened Hackley Campus as a COVID care unit on Thursday, November 19.

The emergency room at Hackley is not re-opening. Those seeking emergency care need to go to the Mercy campus on Sherman Blvd.

There will be no direct admissions to Hackley. All admissions to Hackley will come from the Mercy campus.

Mercy Health anticipates that once this spike has decreased, Hackley will close. Once this surge has passed, Mercy Campus will be able to take care of all patients.

If you are having mild symptoms or just want testing, please do not go to the ER, please call your doctor or go to an urgent care center.

Information on COVID-testing can be found at