Morning Mix


Know The Law: Uninsured Motorist Coverage

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This week on “Know the Law,” Grand Rapids auto accident lawyer, Tom Sinas, continues the discussion regarding different auto insurance coverages with an overview of uninsured motorist coverage. While this coverage is optional, Tom explains how important it is for motorists to opt into, as well as how it protects motorists from other dangerous drivers, including instances of hit-and-run accidents.

In order to understand the changes in auto insurance, drivers need to understand the difference between mandatory and optional coverage. Mandatory coverage refers to the insurance people are required to have by law in order to legally drive. The requirements differ in each state in order to legally operate a car.

There are three different kinds of mandatory insurance coverages Michigan drivers need. First, drivers need auto no-fault benefits. Next drivers need benefits or coverage for property damage. The final requirement is liability coverage.

Drivers are legally required to have the above insurance coverages, but there are other insurances drivers should give strong consideration to that aren't mandatory.

For example, Uninsured Motorist Coverage is optional but is highly encouraged to have. Uninsured Motorist Coverage will cover the driver if they get in an accident with someone who has no insurance.

When involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist, it's best to call the police, take pictures if there's damage, and notify the insurance company.

Learn more by calling Sinas Dramis Law Firm at (616)-301-3333 or visit

Know the Law is sponsored by Sinas Dramis Law Firm.