Morning Mix


Kentwood Glow in the Park taking place October 16


Looking for some family fun in the Kentwood area? On Saturday, there will be a Glow in the Park event at Pinewood Park from 7-9 p.m.

The event will feature a variety of glow-themed activities like light-up playground games and crafts, music, food, and a Mile Fun Run/Walk. For the run/walk, the park path will be lit with glow sticks and other colorful lights.

After the fun is complete, the night will end with even more fun at an after-party featuring music, dancing, and snacks under the park shelter.

The entry fee is $5 for basic registration, which includes a goody bag of glow supplies. The entry fee is $20 for those participating in the fun run/walk, which comes with a t-shirt, race medal, and a goody bag of glow supplies.

To register and learn more, visit or call 616-656-5270.