One Michigan mom's struggle to find clothing for her children that didn't irritate their skin has transformed into her own clothing line.
Karly Hiser, the founder of Crann Apparel, discovered her children weren't getting dressed for one reason, the clothing they wore bothered their skin. The kids had eczema, and nothing Hiser did made it better; even cotton would irritate their skin.
Rather than continue to treat their symptoms, Hiser embarked on a mission to address the cause of their discomfort - the clothing itself. Karly Hiser took matters into her own hands and started making clothing that's comfortable for kids.
Most clothing made by big-name fashion chains is made with polyester, a petroleum-based plastic. Hiser discovered several natural, sustainable, and skin-friendly fabrics that could be the source of a potential solution. After creating a few prototypes and having her children test out some underwear prototypes, Crann Apparel was born!
The family-owned and operated business strives to provide high-quality sustainable children's clothing. Crann Apparel creates lines of underwear, t-shirts, and other basics to come are designed to be comfortable, stylish, and durable.
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