Morning Mix


Cedar Creek Institute offers recreational activities during cold winter months


If getting out and enjoying nature in Pure Michigan is the idea of a good time, then Pierce Cedar Creek Institute is a place where there's always something to do even during the coldest times of the year.

All activities are weather permitting, especially recreational sports like snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. Even if there's no snow on the ground, the trails are always open to hike on foot.

February 11- Family Snowshoe Hike
1-3 p.m.
Member Adults and Children Free
Non-Member Adult- $8 | Non-Member Children- $5
Under 4 Free

February 11-Couples Snowshoe Hike: Lichen Edition (Adults Only)
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Member Couple $18 | Non-Member Couple $25

Pierce Cedar Creek Institute is located at 701 W. Cloverdale Rd. in Hastings.

Find more activities taking place at the institute by visiting