Morning Mix


Ada Village brings on-demand wheelchair-accessible transportation through Go MUVE app

Partnership with Ride YourWay and MUVE
and last updated

The City of Ada is asking for help to ensure anyone of any ability can get around more easily in their community. Local business Ride YourWay and tech partner MUVEare collaborating to bring on-demand wheelchair-accessible transportation through the Go MUVE app, and they need help finding accessible locations in town.

This initiative is to help improve the lives of people of all abilities in Ada and the Go MUVE app’s Tagging Accessible Locations feature. With the Go MUVE app, community members can identify accessible-friendly office buildings, restaurants, parks, venues, and other facilities, and tag them. Once shared, the tags will give individuals with special mobility needs access to information specific to Ada Village.

On August 25 from 5 to 6 p.m. Ada Village is hosting a tagging party so the community can find these locations together.

Download the app here and join in on the fun to make the city more inclusive for people of all abilities.