

Muskegon moms create support group for single parents


MUSKEGON, Mich. -- Stephanie Harmon, Amber Trotter and Alicia Castaneda are on a mission to make a big impact in Muskegon County.

They are working to bring to life the age old motto, "it takes a village." The group of single moms are working to start, United Parents.

It's designed to uplift, encourage and provide mutual support to single parents.

They say the possibilities are endless, everything from helping to throw birthday parties to sharing holiday meals together.

"We wish to provide services mainly toward grooming talents among children and the parents," said program founder Stephanie Harmon.

"So any type of classes, cosmetology, college courses, dance, music, sports, whatever.  We want to be a sponsor for them because a lot of times it`s just money that`s the issue, or transportation. So we want to knock out those barriers. Others things include broadening their horizon as far as their life view. You know you can travel, there`s more out there to get those children eager about doing something with their life instead of just hanging out here."

There's no harder job than being a parent and for single parents the weight they carry is even heavier. It's exactly why these women are so passionate about making sure no feels alone in their journey.

The women are still in the beginning stages of bringing this group to life, but they have an event this Saturday at Christ Temple (412 E Sherman Blvd, Muskegon) to introduce United Parents to the community.