Graduating college is a goal many people want for their kids. With skyrocketing tuition and other costs rising every year the crushing debt can be at the least a distraction, and at worst a deterrent to even going at all.
The Holland Zeeland Promise Scholarship can remove that financial worry, promising to get students through college as debt-free as possible.
The Holland/Zeeland Promise Scholarship is a last-dollar scholarship which means that after other grants and scholarships have been applied, the scholarship will cover the remaining cost of tuition, books, room and board.
Unlike many other scholarships, the Promise is renewable for additional undergraduate years, dependent on students remaining in good academic standing and making progress toward their degrees.
The Promise offers a side-by-side approach, addressing not only financial needs but also academic and socio-emotional needs. The program checks in with students monthly to see how they are handling classes and life at school and connect them with campus resources.
Many donors make a four-year pledge, their "promise" to see scholars all the way through to graduation. Donors may also make a one-time donation.
To make a donation, or to learn how to apply, visit