

Cedar Springs mobile home a complete loss after fire


CEDAR SPRINGS, Mich. — A mobile home in Cedar Springs was destroyed after a fire broke out early Friday morning.

The fire happened around 2:30 a.m. at an empty mobile home on Sarah Street in Cedar Springs. Emergency responders were called to the scene by a woman who saw the fire while playing “Pokemon Go” with a friend.

The building is a total loss, and three other mobile homes had some heat damage.

Investigators are working to determine what caused the fire. Cedar Springs Mobile Estates said all utilities to the building were off and called the fire suspicious.

A $5,000 reward is being offered for anyone who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever is responsible for the fire.

Anyone with information can contact the Cedar Springs Mobile Estates office at 616-696-0820 or the Kent County Sheriff’s Office at 616-632-6100.