

Mother organizes anti-violence march to end brutality


SAGINAW, MI (WNEM) — Recent gun violence in a Mid-Michigan city is making residents uneasy.

One local mother is hoping her efforts can help put an end to the brutality.

“I was impacted by a lot of different violences throughout my life,” said Sparkle Roby, the event organizer.

Roby said her journey hasn’t been an easy one.

She said she was plagued by a life of violence and can see many in the Saginaw community are going through the same things, so she’s doing what she can to put a stop to it.

She organized an anti-violence march in hopes of saving families.

“Children wanting better, parents showing children better today, more fathers coming home and getting back with families or getting relationships with their children,” Roby said.

It’s something Trayvon Evans said he agrees with completely.

“All my life all I knew was violence. I’m a familiar with the streets, I’m from the streets,” Evans said.

Evans said he spent 10 years in prison and now that he’s home, he’s not the same person.

“I’m just out here to show everybody that you know it can take change. You can change, even if you tied into the streets ya know. There’s a lot of peer pressure out there. You have to do it for yourself. You gotta want better, you gotta do better,” Evans said.

Community members brought their signs and support to Genesee and Remington, including Saginaw County Commissioner Sheldon Matthews.

“We need to do some things here in the community to help out and come as one and the violence and everything we need to support each other,” Matthews said.

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Originally Published: 02 JUN 19 13:54 ET

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