

How young is too young to wear makeup?

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It’s not unheard of for children to play in their mother’s makeup bag. But when does dress-up translate to leaving the home?

FOX 61 reports a study conducted by the marketing agency, Mintel found 80% of 9 to 11 year olds in the U.S. wear some form of beauty products. It also found more than 50% of 12 to 14 year olds use mascara, eyeliner, and eyebrow pencils.

Mintel’s study also found at least one in five girls between the ages of 8 and 14 has negative thoughts about themselves if they are not wearing any makeup.

“I started wearing makeup really young but that was for dance; like heavy full makeup, like foundation, eyeliner, fake eyelashes mascara. But on a daily basis I don’t wear a lot. A lot of girls straighten their hair every day put a lot of makeup on, lip gloss eyeliner and mascara on, I feel like a lot of people,” 14-year-old  Isabelle Chamla-Saunders told FOX 61.

Isabelle’s mother, Dr. Laura Saunders thinks her daughter’s experience with dance has made makeup more of a personal chore for her daughter. But as a family psychologist she says she knows it can be a difficult issue.

Dr. Saunders suggests starting the conversation with asking why your child wants to wear it. She also says there is a hard line when it comes to what age is okay.

“I can see upper middle school being a start, definitely not in elementary school. In elementary school you should be focusing on playing and making friends,” Dr. Saunders told FOX 61.

She adds that it’s good to have the discussion and work for a compromise.