Morning Mix


3 helpful tips to get your kids to eat healthy foods

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Katie Kimball from Kids Cook Real Food eCourse has showed us before how to get the kids in the kitchen cooking good food, but what should parents do when the kids don't eat the healthy food?

Katie has a three tips that will help get the kids to eat healthy foods without driving parents crazy.

  1. Prepare the Space: Start by feeding the kids snacks, and give the kids at least a 90 minute waiting period between snacks and meals. Don't give them more than one snacktime (and never seconds) between meals.
  2. Lead with  Your Ace: Serve vegetables first at dinner time. If kids are given the main dish first, or everything at the same time, they're going to touch the fruits and vegetables last. Once they eat at least a few healthy foods, then they can get started on the main dish that they love.
  3. Follow Suit: Kids learn from their parents, so it's important that parents are also eating vegetables with their kids. A great way to mix in vegetables with meals in through blended soups, which can be found at

For more tips on healthy eating, join Katie Kimball for a free webinar on February 22 at 1 p.m. Reserve your spot at