

In Minnesota, temperature drops to 37 below zero


(AP) — The “Nation’s Icebox” is feeling the chill and setting a record.

The National Weather Service reports International Falls and Hibbing set record low temperatures on Wednesday morning. International Falls — the self-proclaimed “Nation’s Icebox” — plunged to 37 degrees below zero, breaking the old record of 32 below set in 1924. Hibbing bottomed out at 28 below, breaking the old record of 27 below set in 1964.

Freezing temperatures and below-zero wind chills will stay put for days to come across much of the northern United States. Forecasters are warning of hypothermia and frostbite from arctic air settling in over the central U.S. on Wednesday and spreading east.

Meanwhile, the snow-hardened city of Erie, Pennsylvania, is digging out from a record snowfall of more than 5 feet this week.