

Surviving Harvey: FOX 17 talks to man riding it out with his family in Texas

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HOUSTON, Texas – Waters are rising fast as the rain continues to come down in South Texas and with our nation’s fourth largest city drowning in the rising flood waters, it’s a situation affecting millions of people.

Houston is experiencing what is likely the worst flooding in state history, with a forecast saying 50 inches of rain could fall in the next few days.

FOX 17 News talked with a family who is riding out the storm in their house on the city’s North side.

“In the Southern parts of Houston they are having to rescue people out of houses,” says Jeffrey Lee, of Houston, TX. “People who have climbed up into the attic. Some people on their roofs, some on top of their cars. So the Coast Guard has been rescuing people on boats and choppers. It’s been pretty bad.”

Sunday morning delivered a shock to the nation with record flooding swallowing up streets and cars.

Jeffrey Lee and his wife Cassie say what’s happening right now is something they never expected. They were in Texas during tropical storm Allison in 2001, but even that cannot compare to what the region is going through now.

“What’s different about this one is you’re seeing spots that don’t normally flood,” says Lee. “Spots that even during tropical storm Allyson back in 2001 that remained high ground.”

With potentially feet of rain in the forecast, his biggest concern is his family and if things don’t improve soon, he is planning to evacuate his family from Houston.