Morning Mix


Meals in a jar; quick meals to get you through a busy school year

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When the kids go back to school, everyone is running off doing their own activities and projects, making meal planning for the family much harder. There's no need to heat up a frozen pizza or get unhealthy take-out for a quick meal between band rehearsals and soccer practice.  With help from the Canning Diva, the whole family can eat a healthy meal on the go just by simply grabbing a home-made canned meal from the pantry.

Canning Diva, Diane Devereaux, came by to show off some of her great "Meals in a Jar" ideas that will help the family stay healthy and fed while trying to keep up with their busy schedules.

Devereaux knows that canning meals can look intimidating and time consuming, but that isn't the case!  Her book, Canning Full Circle, not only teaches how to can and preserve foods, but also how to create other delicious meals, appetizers and desserts. Just set aside an hour or so to prepare dozens of meals in a jar so that they'll be ready to grab off the shelf and eat on the go. Devereaux brought the following meals which can be found in her cookbook, Canning Full Circle:

  • Blonde Curry Apple Chutney: Can be used in stuffed pork loin, on top of goat cheese, and mini blonde goddess pies.
  • Savory Beef and Vegetables: a one quart meal easy to heat and eat! Just put in meat, a vegetable, and potatoes in a jar, fill it with beef broth, then can it up.

Devereaux will be doing book signings at Schuler Books in Grand Rapids on August 17 and in Okemos on August 24 at 7 p.m.

For more information, visit