Morning Mix


Try over 25 beers and wines all in one place at Otsego Steins and Vines

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There are so many craft beers and wines in Michigan, sometimes it's hard to get to the breweries and wineries to try them all out. The city of Otsego is making that dream come true at their third annual Steins and Vines event.

Steins and Vines is a beer and wine festival that will feature over 25 beers and 25 wines on the Otsego Riverfront. There will also be food and live music from Grafitti and William Gerald.

Tickets to the festival cost $25 until 12 p.m. of August 5, then will increase to $35 after that.

The festival is happening August 5-9 at 218 N. Farmer Street, on the grounds of the Historical Museum.