

Whitecaps Bullpen Banter


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- West Michigan relief pitchers Trent Szkutnik and Zac Houston started an Instagram account to connect with fans and give them an inside look at what it's like to hang out in the Whitecaps' bullpen.

Szkutnik saying it was a way to give back to their amazing fans. "Well we were just on the bus one day and you know talking about all the fun we have on the field and how we try to integrate the fans and get them involved and we thought, let`s just start an Instagram page and give something back to the community."

"We made one video and we both shared and we both put it on our own pages and then a lot of people started following and a lot of people started really liking what we were doing so it just kind of took off from there," Houston added.

Since then, they haven't looked back. Posting photos and videos of life on and off the field. Encouraging people to share their content.

Follow the account on Instagram @wcapsbullpenbanter.