ALLENDALE, Mich. — Grand Valley State University has responded to President Trump’s executive travel ban order. University President Thomas Haas says the university continues to support their students and offer study abroad opportunities to them. Below is the full statement released by Grand Valley.
Message from President Thomas J. Haas:
Good morning. As this is written, there is much uncertainty revolving around executive orders issued by President Trump that affect international study, travel, the employment of faculty from and the enrollment of students from other nations. This much is certain: Grand Valley will continue its long tradition of study abroad and welcoming to our campus students and faculty from other lands. These activities enrich our campus and prepare our graduates to succeed wherever their learning takes them. Engagement with the world is a hallmark of Grand Valley and it has my absolute support; maintaining it is one of my most important duties as your president.
Toward that end, I have directed staff from the Padnos International Center to be in touch with students who may be impacted by the orders and to provide regular updates as circumstances may require. I have also asked the Department of Human Resources to communicate with faculty and staff whose visas or work permits may be affected. As further detail and guidance comes from federal agencies we will be sure to share it with those impacted.
We will take every available step to ensure that Grand Valley’s commitments to students, faculty, staff, and our international partners are fulfilled. I encourage any member of the Grand Valley family who is experiencing an immediate problem to contact the appropriate office for assistance — students at the Padnos International Center in Lake Ontario Hall, faculty and staff at Human Resources in Zumberge Hall.
Very respectfully,
Thomas J. Haas