Many individuals didn't necessarily have a great holiday season; they barely got through it, and now know it's time for a change. Guiding Light is the answer for both people seeking help on the streets, or those looking for volunteer opportunities.
Josh Vanoveren from Guiding Light discusses some of these opportunities.
January is a busy time for Guiding Light's Back to Work and Recovery programs, and are always looking for people to help out or give donations.
Thanks to their Recovery Program, they help men fight substance abuse and get them back on their feet. During the process, they provide them a place to live, warm meals, and help them find a job.
The Back to Work Program provides a short-term stay for men and women who are employed or seeking full-time employment, allowing them to save money while they look for permanent housing.
Along the way, Guiding Light provides men with job coaching, training in techniques for searches, and daily encouragement and advice. There is access to a computer lab for online job searching, email, and creating a resume.
Back to Work also provides transportation and any other needs to help them accept a job offer that comes their way.
Whether it's to get your life back on track, or helping those in need, the smallest change can have a large impact on how the new year starts.
Guiding Light is located on 225 Division Avenue in South Grand Rapids. For more information on their Back to Work Program, call (616) 451-0236.