WYOMING, Mich. -- As many as 80 birds may be infected with a deadly disease called psittacosis at a West Michigan exotic bird store.
Casa La Parrot in Wyoming discovered the disease more than two weeks ago. "It likely came from a boarder," says Jessica Oegema, store manager at Casa La Parrot, "but we can't really trace it to the exact location or who it was. So as an added precaution, we put up a wall in the boarding area to separate them from the rest of the birds and we're going to start asking everybody to have their bird tested for psittacosis along with a couple of other diseases if they wish to board with us."
Oegema says her birds have been taking medication for two weeks and are likely no longer contagious to other birds. And she is certain they are no longer contagious to humans.
The disease can, however, be spread to humans in rare cases. "It's very uncommon in people, but there is that potential and there have been some cases of people," says Dr. Tracey Ritzman, a veterinarian at the Cascade Hospital for Animals.
However in this case, Dr. Ritzman isn't concerned about the disease being an issue for humans, or even other birds. "It could be, but I think the important aspect of this situation is that the owner of this facility was very proactive and very responsible and that helps, because then there is not a spread outside of that area."
The State Veterinarian's Office is requiring the birds at Casa La Parrot stay in quarantine a total of 60 days.