

Technical error nixes recount on election won by 1 vote


GIRARD TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — In one southern Michigan community, one vote made a difference — and a technical error involving ballot container seals sealed the deal.

WTVB-AM and The Daily Reporter of Coldwater report Girard Township Trustee Philip AcMoody sought a recount after losing the Aug. 2 supervisor race to incumbent Gene Easterday. Easterday won by a vote of 198-197.

However, Branch County officials this week nixed a recount. Metal cans storing ballots had bottom seals that weren’t recorded and changed after each election, as those on the top were to verify the seal numbers are properly recorded in a poll book.

Election rules say all seals must be recorded and tagged.

Most precincts use ballot bags requiring only one seal and tag to close and certify. County officials recommend them to township officials.