

Hero or jerk? Man pays $212 speeding ticket with over 20K pennies


FRISCO, Texas – Well that’s one way to pay off a speeding ticket. A Texas man was upset about his fine, so he paid it with pennies.

Brett Sanders says he had to pay $212 for going nine miles over the speed limit. He got about 20,000 pennies from the bank, loaded them into two buckets, and dumped them off at the courthouse.

Sanders used the change because he wanted “to make a big spectacle of it.” He created a video of the incident that has since gone viral.

“I’m not a big fan of extortion. I was convicted by a jury for driving 39 in a 30 and was subject to $212 at the barrel of a gun,” wrote Sanders on his YouTube page.

He is reportedly owed $7.81 for overpaying.