

Kanye West insists Taylor Swift is ‘cool with’ lyrical dis


What’s a day without a bizarre Kanye West Twitter rant? Luckily the rapper got this one out of the way early Friday morning (Feb. 12) and in the process somehow made his insults aimed at Taylor Swift seem even worse.

Yeezy took to Twitter to defend himself after a lyric in one of his new songs — “Famous” — was revealed as, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. Why? I made that b**** famous.”

After the Internet and Swift’s own brother took offense to the line, the rapper then went on a tweeting spree like only he can.

RELATED: Taylor Swift’s brother is ready to escalate Yeezy feud

“I did not diss Taylor Swift and I’ve never dissed her,” he says. “First thing is I’m an artist and as an artist I will express how I feel with no censorship.” (Note: Nobody actually tried to censor West. They were simply criticizing him for the line.)

“2nd thing I asked my wife for her blessings and she was cool with it,” he continues. “3rd thing I called Taylor and had a hour long convo with her about the line and she thought it was funny and gave her blessings.”

Whether this is actually true or not remains to be seen. Though it seems odd that Swift would find a line about how West may have sex with her, takes credit for her accomplishments and calls her a generic, gendered insult as something funny.

RELATED: ‘BILL COSBY INNOCENT’ — Kanye West sides with troubled comedian on Twitter

He does say that the name he calls her is meant with love though, writing, “4th B**** is an endearing term in hip hop like the word N****.”

After that small aside, Kanye continues, “5th thing I’m not even gone take credit for the idea … it’s actually something Taylor came up with. She was having dinner with one of our friends who’s name I will keep out of this and she told him. I can’t be mad at Kanye because he made me famous! #FACTS”

Clearly, if Kanye hashtags it as a fact, there’s no choice but to go along with it.

“6th Stop trying to demonize real artist. Stop trying to compromise art,” he goes on. “That’s why music is so f***ing watered down right now. I miss that DMX feeling. 7th I miss that feeling so that’s what I want to help restore.”

Clearly he’s all fired up like only Kanye can be.

Swift has yet to directly share her feelings on the matter, but her reps vehemently deny West’s assertions.